English Translator and Case Specialist 岗位职责: 1.Coordinate with client consultant on case status management, case daily update, and project follow ups; 2.Assist and support daily office administration e.g. disbursements management, liaisons with accountant on client billing, regular office operation maintenance, staff schedule management; 3.Provide documentation support and translate documents from Chinese to English or vice versa; 4.Draft proposal, email update and case report; 5.Manage the internal filling and case profile of clients; 6.Assist and organize communications with clients and third parties; 7.Some other admin and client support work assigned by line manager. 任职要求: Bachelor degree in English/Business Management related (equal or above CET6 level). Good written and oral communication skills in both English and Chinese. Basic knowledge on foreign trade and IP related law is a good addition (not a must). Demonstrated proficiency with MS Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint. Strong attention to detail, be initiative and flexible. Being able to prioritize workload and good interpersonal skills.
广东省 广州市越秀区东风东路836号东峻广场
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在招1个职位 >
企业简介: 致盛国际于 2018 年 1 月在香港成立,并在香港、广州、厦门开设办事处,提供全方位的 知识产权相关服务。我们致力于提供最真实可靠的商业信息与切实可行的解决方案,为客户 提供最优质知识产权相关服务。我们的客户涵盖了众多知名品牌客户和律师事务所。